Friday, September 12, 2014


Well, I cut my hair. Why? Because I was getting really sick of having long hair. 
Don't get me wrong, I like the way my long hair looks and I do get complements on it. But my hair is of the dry/split-end-y/thick/coarse/static/tangled type. I just didn't want to deal with it this fall/winter. Now, I did probably cut off 10 inches, and I would have donated it to Locks of Love except for the fact that my hair is not at all ideal for wigs(it's crazy dry). I donated my hair when I was 10. It was super long. It went all the way down to my elbow. My mom cut all my siblings hair when we were kids, so this was the first and last time I had my hair professionally cut. I remember the girl cutting my hair was not loving it. Ever though I was obsessively brushing my hair in the car, her weak little comb was no match. She couldn't even get it through. "I guess you didn't know you were coming in today." No, my just tangles that quickly. It literally ties it's self into knots! 
Anyway, she proceeded to tell me that I had split ends (this was the first time I had heard such a thing) and that she would have to take off extra. So she lopped off all my hair and gave my a poof-y triangle bob. I hated it, and cried myself to sleep that night. 
Long story short, no one wants my crappy straw hair. And I don't trust other people to cut my hair. But enough pity party/ first wold problems. Lets get into the hair cutting.

Keep in mind this is NOT a tutorial. That means DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! I'm not a professional but I have been cutting my own hair and the hair of everyone in my family for years (I learned from the internet). So do as I say, not as I do!     

Look at all that HUR!

I like to cut my hair when it's super wet. I sectioned it off, and cut it section by section. The key to not getting a triangle bob, is thinning shears. Google it. 

Emma, my sister, popped in for a bit.

Ya got to have an emo moment somewhere in every hair  cutting session.

And there it is. I know it may have looked quick and easy, but I spent like 2 hours doing this.

Here it is all dry and styled. I hope you've enjoyed. You can count on some new hair tutorial with this new look. Thanks for reading!

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