Saturday, March 31, 2012

DIY: Sea Salt Spray

If you have curly/wavy hair that tends to be frizzy, but you don't like chemical products, you should try making your own sea salt spray. It's easy to do, inexpensive (you probably already have the ingredients), and it works better than any spray gel I've tried in the past.

To make this you will need some sea salt, water, and I like to add some vanilla extract for the smell, but you can of course leave it out or use something else. 
You will also need a spray bottle. I got this one from the dollar store.

Mix about 1 cup of water, 2 tsp of sea salt, and 1 tsp of vanilla in a small pan. Put the pan on a burner at low heat. Stir until the salt dissolves. It should only take a few minutes.  

Once the mixture is cooled, use a funnel to pour it into your spray bottle.

Then your sea slat spray is ready to use. Just spray it into your wet hair and scrunch until your hair is dry. I hope this tutorial was helpful. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think! Have a great day!


  1. Thanks! I'm going to try this!

    1. If you have dry hair like me I would recommend rubbing a little coconut oil, or olive oil, in the ends of your hair to add shine and combat the drying effect of the salt. Good luck!
